I was scared and lonely, but when she came back she had five new toys for me and some puppy sized treats! So, it was ok, I guess. We sat down and had a talk. She says that there are going to be times that she leaves our house and can't take me with her, so I will have to get used to it... She also says the bathroom lockdown is temporary. When it gets warmer I can stay in my backyard or the garage until I learn how to only pee-pee outside. Sometimes I remember to ask her to let me out, but sometimes I forget and make a "NOOOOOO!" on the carpet.
Ceci is silly. She pets me and plays with me, but doesn't want me to lick or nibble on her. That's my favorite thing to do! She also calls me weird things like "Butt" or "Little Butt", "Munchkin", "Pokey Little Puppy". It's all so confusing.

Oh, we were in the back yard playing yesterday and the dog next door was talking trash to me through the fence, so I barked back at him. Ceci was so excited to hear me bark for the first time. She says not to worry, my little bark will sound more menacing when I get bigger. Well, that's all for now. We have to get ready to go play with Roux!
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